Logic Audio for MacOS

Setup | Interface | Workarounds | Function Names | Shortcuts


Setup &emdash; Audio

Cubase and Logic differ significantly in the way that MIDI and Audio hardware is set up. First, we'll take a look at setting up your audio hardware. Cubase allows the use of AV, DAE, Direct I/O and ASIO device drivers. Logic Audio (dependent on the version you're using) allows the simultaneous use of AV, ASIO, EASI, 1212, CBX, Roland VS, StudI/O and Digidesign DAE/TDM or Direct I/O drivers plus native support for the Audiowerk hardware.

Mac Native (AV)
Under normal circumstances, when using the built-in Apple hardware or other SoundManager hardware, the procedure for hardware selection of an AV device within Logic Audio is as follows:

Also see the Audio Engine Parameters section below.

ASIO drivers need to be placed inside the ASIO Drivers folder which is found in the Logic program folder. The procedure for adjusting the settings in Logic Audio for use of an ASIO driver is as follows:

ASIO Buffer Delay and Max I/O Streams should generally be left alone and the default driver settings should be used. If you are experiencing any difficulties, then these settings can be adjusted.
Also see the Audio Engine Parameters section below.

Yamaha DSP Factory (Logic Audio Gold, Platinum)
To directly access Yamaha's DS2416, follow the steps outlined below.

N.B. - The I/O handling is controlled via ASIO in version 4.5 (and up) of Logic Audio.
ASIO drivers - version 1.0.4b2 thru 1.0.4b4 (and higher) are REQUIRED by Logic Audio 4.5....dependent on the type of Mac you have.

For the latest downloads, go here: http://www.yamaha.co.uk/proaudio/technical/dow_main.htm

Direct I/O
Digidesign hardware (such as the Digi001 and AudiomediaIII) can be addressed via the Direct I/O interface, as per the following:

Other Drivers
For other drivers such as the 1212, EASI, StudI/O...setup is pretty similar to ASIO. For devices with limited support, such as the Roland VS/Akai DR units and Yamaha's CBX series, you simply need to specify the device...and...in the case of the CBX, specify which playback mode you want to use.

Audio Engine Parameters

These options are found in Logic Audio's Hardware Setup window and allow you to "fine tune" your audio system/hardware performance.

Volume Smoothing [ms]
This parameter defines the length of the fade between two consecutive volume values for an audio track. When setting this value to 0 you might hear "zipper noise" when moving a volume fader during playback. Higher values soften the volume changes and eliminate the zipper noise.

Max. Number of Audiotracks
The Audio Engine requires free system memory. The amount of memory needed depends on the maximum number of tracks to be played, and on the number of I/O channels supplied by the driver. This setting allows you to reduce the amount of memory used by the driver, by reducing the number of tracks. This may be practical should you wish to run other applications or audio hardware types simultaneously.

Larger Disk Buffer
This option influences the amount of audio data that is read from the disk in advance. It is deactivated by default, matching the demands of fast hard drives and powerful computers. Should you experience frequent error messages while running Logic Audio in this mode, you can switch this setting ON. This will allow an increase in the number of playback tracks and reliability. The downside?...more RAM is needed.

Larger Process Buffer
This parameter determines the size of the native buffer used to compute mixers and effects. Do NOT activate this option if you own a fast computer!

A "fast" computer is determined by your tracklaying/effects use...so if your audio playback requirements are modest - say four to eight tracks with a few compressors/EQ's and a reverb or two, then a G3/300-400 would be considered "fast". If, on the other hand, you need to run 24 audio tracks with loads of effects, then a "fast" computer would be up towards the G4/500 mark....or one of the dual-processor monsters.

If you find your system straining under the load, enabling the Larger Process Buffer reduces response times for operations such as volume changes or track soloing. Experiment with various settings covered above to find the optimal configuration for your Logic Audio system.

Plug-in Handling

VST plug-in Integration
VST plug-ins are added to Logic by simply copying them into the VST Plug Ins folder within the Logic program folder itself. To avoid particular VST plug-ins being shown in Logic's plug-in list, move the plug-in file to another folder, which could be named "VST Unused", as an example. See this document for links to shareware, freeware and commercial suppliers of VST plug ins.

Other plug-in types
Dependent on the audio hardware used, Logic audio also supports TDM,  Audiosuite and Premiere plug ins. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for these.

Setup &emdash; MIDI

Like Cubase, Logic Audio can use OMS if preferred (or required) , but unlike Cubase, it does not automatically cede control of the MIDI device to OMS. Logic Audio has inbuilt MIDI drivers for both the serial and USB buses of newer Macs, so your MIDI interface may be "natively" supported by Logic Audio. Try this option first (which happens automatically) and if there's an issue you can try using OMS.

Beyond "straight" OMS use, Logic Audio also has the capacity to use BOTH the internal and OMS drivers simultaneously... This is a useful facility for those who wish to communicate with their MIDI hardware via the built-in MIDI driver but also need to communicate with other OMS applications internally. For TDM users this feature is essential for plug-ins which require OMS, such as the Virus.

To activate both OMS and internal drivers:
The "MIDI Communication" preference has an option called "Use OMS in addition to the built-in MIDI driver". If enabled, Logic will use the built-in MIDI driver and OMS simultaneously. Everything works in the same fashion as when using the built-in MIDI driver but you will have an additional output choice for each environment instrument. To help clarify things...just follow the points listed below.

  1. If an OMS instrument is NOT set ("unassigned"), the object sends MIDI information to the "default" output port set in the MIDI Communication Preferences.
  2. If an OMS instrument IS set, the object sends the MIDI information to the OMS instrument

N.B.- Logic initializes the built-in MIDI driver first, and then OMS. This might be of importance should both drivers try to grab the same resources. (e.g. UNITOR USB driver) Basically, it's a case of "first-come, first-served" so in the example, the built-in MIDI driver would get access to the Unitor. To avoid any "Could not use the Unitor driver" messages from OMS, please remove the OMS Unitor driver from the OMS driver folder.

Output Port Selection
Selection of channels and ports also differs between Logic Audio and Cubase, with Logic Audio's Environment window being used for input and output of data. Please see this document for a basic tutorial on setting up the Environment and getting Logic Audio communicating with your MIDI and audio devices.


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