Logic Audio for MacOS

Setup | Interface | Workarounds | Function Names | Shortcuts


Logic and Cubase are probably the most similar in operation, of all programs covered here, so Cubase users should have little trouble in making the switch.
Overall, the editing windows will be quite familiar, but the Drum Edit window found in Cubase is implemented in a different way in Logic.
In Logic, "drum-machine" style programming is handled by the HyperEdit window. To use it, simply open the HyperEditor (via the Windows menu) and click on the flip menu to the left of the onscreen "grid". With the mouse button depressed, select the GM Drum option which will update the "grid" display.
The names of individual drum instruments are shown along the left hand side and "drum hits" can be inserted with the pencil tool.
Where this differs from Cubase is that "hits" are actually inserted within the grid rather than on grid lines. Inserted notes are displayed as vertical bars rather than diamonds.
The height of the dark portion of the vertical bar represents the note's velocity.
The velocity can be freely adjusted using either the pencil or pointer tools.




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